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Serving best steaks and BBQs since 1984

Global Foods offers both a cash & carry and a delivered trade operation, the latter being serviced by a fleet of twenty vehicles, all of which carry ambient, frozen and chilled products.

We are without doubt the market leaders in food wholesale in Wales serving in excess of 5000 customers with over 20,000 products, providing a true one-stop-shop for our customers.

By directly importing our own frozen food, such as chicken, seafood, prawns, lamb and mutton, as well as a comprehensive range of spices from all over the world. Our huge range of wines, spirits and beers, including keg beer, means we can service the widest possible range of customers at market beating prices.

A Few Words About Us

We pride ourselves on having a reputation for unbeatable and reliable customer service. Which means from the moment our fully trained, multi lingual telesales staff calls you and when the goods are delivered to your door we wont let you down!

Free WiFi For Everyone

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Meet The Taste Experts

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Be a Part of Our business

Morbi purus libero, faucibus adipi, commodo quis, gravida id. Praesent elementum hendrerit tortor.

Arthur Lee

James Lee